Blogger Brunch

by Jo Kenny

When I first started blogging in 2012 I felt a little lonely. So many fantastic blogs that I followed were written by people living in London; glamorous types drinking artisan flat whites with avocado on toast. It was hard watching them be able to visit lots of fantastic events whilst I had to turn down invites because they were always in (you guessed it) London, starting at 6pm sharp on a work night. I go to London often but didn’t have that accessibility that others seemed to have and there didn’t seem to be much happening elsewhere. Early on I did wonder if ever I’d be able to make anything of my blog living in Milton Keynes.

Fast forward four years and the scene has changed massively. Exciting things are happening closer to home and Milton Keynes has evolved (and is still evolving) out of its penchant for unimaginative dining options. We’ve got more independents, we’ve got good coffee. We’ve coaxed trendy London chains to open their first restaurants here outside of the capital, we’ve got a Food Awards, a Food Revolution… a biergarten! And d’ya know what? We’ve got bloggers.

blogger brunch milton keynes swan salford

From feeling like the only blogger in the village, to attending the very first Milton Keynes blogger brunch. How exciting! The event was set up by Sophie and a group of us writing about all different kinds of subjects met up at a local pub for breakfast, champagne and what we’ve all been up to in the blogging world.

blogger brunch milton keynes bubbly blogger brunch milton keynes swan salford flowers

blogger brunch breakfast milton keynes

We met at The Swan which I reviewed recently. They put together a lovely brunch menu for us and I had eggs royale with some especially rich and delicious smoked salmon. As if starting my Saturday off with champagne wasn’t good enough I even went away with a goody bag – yay!

blogger brunch milton keynes mk food revolution


It was really good to meet more local bloggers, especially ones from other genres as I could ask the questions I’ve always wondered when it comes to writing about subjects other than food. The logistics around travel blogging whilst holding down a full time job sounds mind boggling! Hearing stories about how everyone keeps writing and the commitments they make is really inspiring, especially when talking to more seasoned bloggers.

Writing this has made me wonder what the food and blogging scene in Milton Keynes and beyond will be like in another four years time… I look forward to finding out!


Julianna Khudoliei November 14, 2016 - 4:33 pm

Hi! Great post! I am moving to MK next summer and I love that place. Very excited 🙂 Is this some bloggers community you have? x Julianna

Elle June 25, 2017 - 10:37 pm

Oh wow, by accident I stumble on your blog and thank God I did.!!
Keep it up xxxx!!!

Jo July 11, 2017 - 6:53 pm

Elle thank you so much this has made my day! 🙂


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